Mastebolin (vial)


Brand: Alpha Pharma Reference: 587 Availability: In stock Packing: 100mg/ml (10ml) Substance: drostanolone propionate


Massbol (Drostanolone Propionate) – XBS Laboratories This medicine has the same characteristics as testosterone, but it has very little effect on the liver and kidneys, it is not toxic. It incorporates an active substance drostatanolone propionate. Gives relief to those muscles, elasticity. Promotes rapid muscle gain (only with a high-protein, high-calorie diet), and consolidation of results after the course. It manifests itself in the blood for a maximum of 6 weeks, which is worth remembering athletes preparing for a competition. After the injection partner felt the effects of this medicine. Helps relieve fatigue after exercise. It is often used in preparing bodybuilders for competition. Drostanolone propionate course and dose The dose depends on physical fitness and the expected result. But in any case, you can double the dose, and use the drug after the end of the course. Dosage ranges from 200 to 600 mg per week. You can take 100 mg daily. To begin with, the dosage varies from 50 to 100 mg per day (alone), the course lasts up to 6 weeks before taking the medication, you should consult a doctor, to avoid allergies and side effects such as the body's each individual. The drug is combined with the reception of such preparations: Turinabol, Trenatsetat, Testosterone Enanthate. Reception simultaneously ensures results and reduction of side effects. Drostanolone Propionate As you can see the value of the drug to buy it, and as soon as possible to achieve the desired results.Thanks to the high-quality structure, considered reasonable today is the drug at the reception one of the safest and safest on the market. Distributed among bodybuilders. For a very decent price, the athlete has the opportunity to get a drug that significantly improves the results of training. Promotes the burning of stored fat in the body in accordance with proper diet and exercise. Helps to gain muscle mass quickly. The drug is not toxic to the body. It does not cause effects such as water retention. Helps fight fatigue after a hard workout. Is it safe for beginners. Drostanolone propionate side effects Subject to all rules and regulations to receive the necessary, the drug does not cause harm to the body. The appearance of side effects such as instability of blood pressure, headache and slight dizziness may occur in a small portion. It is not toxic to the liver and kidneys. You should stop using with dark urine, or kidney pain. It is necessary to drink a lot of fluid, wash the kidney. When overdose possible effects such as yellow or brown urine color, skin, eyes, yellow depression. Gastrointestinal tract disorders (nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain). Also: swelling, weight gain, dizziness, headaches, itching, rashes, acne, bleeding. In addition, if you are a beginner, you must within them three days after receiving your own health watch, and ate no appreciable side effects, safe to take medication. The same dose depends on the expected result. However, for your own safety and more confidence before taking a better examined by a doctor.


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